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(3 classifications) (12 resources)

Ecological Core Concepts -- Individuals

Discipline Specific Core Concepts Classifications
Behavior (14)
Morphology (13)
Physiology (10)

View Resource Energy Balance and Trophic Status in Fish

In this activity, students work with a dataset to investigate energy balance in animals that have different feeding behaviors (diurnal/nocturnal) and diets (e.g., carnivore/detritivore).


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Observing and Quantifying Predator-avoidance Behavior: Habitat Shifts by Snails in Response to Predator Cues

In this activity, students conduct an experiment to test a hypothesis about how freshwater snails detect and avoid fish predators using chemical cues and habitat complexity. Students generate a hypothesis, run the experiment, collect data, analyze data, and interpret their results. Instructions are also provided for further thought and discussion on the implications of the students' findings and...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Metabolic ecology: How do body size and temperature affect nutrient cycling rates?

In this TIEE dataset, students answer the question of whether nutrient cycling (excretion) rates of fish in lakes scale with body size and temperature as predicted by The Metabolic Theory of Ecology. Students use data on the nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates of fish to test hypotheses related to metabolic ecology.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Are males cheaper than females? Male and female costs of reproduction

In this TIEE experiment, students investigate the costs of reproduction. In dioecious plants, a female's investment in reproduction is typically much greater than a male's, because while both sexes encounter the basic cost to produce a flower, only females have to allocate energy to seeds, exceeding the energy requirements to produce pollen. This 1-2 week field project tests whether the effects of...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Foraging behavior of insect pollinators in the presence of ambush predators

In this TIEE experiment, students investigate how ambush predators such as the common ambush bug (Phymata americana) or the common crab spider (Misumena vatia) influence the foraging behavior of insect pollinators on flowers. This project involves an experimental manipulation of predator presence and subsequent pollinator observation over the course of a single or several lab periods. Students...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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