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(4 classifications) (16 resources)

Ecological Core Concepts -- Populations

Discipline Specific Core Concepts Classifications
Density and distribution (35)
Genetic and phenotypic diversity (9)
Life history traits and reproduction (21)
Population growth and regulation (50)

View Resource An Assessment of Assemblage Nestedness in Habitat Fragments

This experiment illustrates how ecological theory can help conserve native species in a fragmented landscape. It is germane to units on biogeography, human impacts on ecosystems, landscape ecology, conservation, and restoration. During the first lab, the instructor introduces the process of habitat fragmentation, the degree to which species in species-poor assemblages are proper subsets of...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Demographic vital rates and population growth: an introduction to projection matrices and elasticity analysis

In this TIEE dataset, students address the question of how changes in demographic vital rates influence the rate of population growth. Students learn how projection matrices and elasticity analysis can be applied to a case-study exploring loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) conservation and population dynamics. Students are first introduced to the concept of vital rates and population...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Are males cheaper than females? Male and female costs of reproduction

In this TIEE experiment, students investigate the costs of reproduction. In dioecious plants, a female's investment in reproduction is typically much greater than a male's, because while both sexes encounter the basic cost to produce a flower, only females have to allocate energy to seeds, exceeding the energy requirements to produce pollen. This 1-2 week field project tests whether the effects of...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Teaching Exponential and Logistic Growth in a Variety of Classroom and Laboratory Settings

Ecology and conservation biology contain numerous examples of populations growing without bounds or shrinking towards extinction. For these populations, the change in the number of individuals generally follows an exponential curve. On the other hand, limited resources may keep population numbers in check and help maintain the population at the environment's carrying capacity. These...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Painting turtles: an introduction to species distribution modeling in R

Cooperative learning: Students can work through the exercises in groups, using either the painted turtle data or group-specific taxa (i.e., each group selects a taxon to model). This module addresses multiple, complex concepts online data availability & access, spatial query & analysis, global climate models, theoretical concepts of SDMs, model fitting any of which can be expanded depending...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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