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Ecological Core Concepts -- Human impacts -- Species introductions

View Resource Dendrology Syllabus

This syllabus is used for a 300-level dendrology course.


Publisher: EconBotEd Digital Library

View Resource Effects of multiple invasive species in experimental aquatic communities

In this exercise, students first work in small groups to collect background information on what mosquitofish and bullfrogs consume and then modify a food web based on that knowledge. Students then develop hypotheses of how these two invasive species may affect native amphibian species, snails, and zooplankton. Following, students work individually to analyze experimental mesocosm data to determine...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource To Plant, or Not to Plant? Regulating Invasive Plant Species in the Mid-Atlantic States: A Social-Ecological System Case Study

As invasive plant species spread across landscapes, costs of their economic and environmental impacts have sparked interest in regulating their sale and transport. Laws now prohibit the sale and movement of some species. State and local governments are drafting regulations that will affect horticulture, plant nurseries, and options for landscape design. Awareness of invasive plant species is...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Impacts of Introduced Species: Interspecific Competition, Predation, and Other Species Interactions

Due to increasing global connectivity, global biotic interchange has been escalating, leading to species introductions in regions in which they are not indigenous. Most of these species do not establish and/or do not cause significant impacts, but a small proportion do and can have positive or, more often, negative ecological, economic, and cultural impacts. These species often interact with...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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